Saturday, April 7, 2012

So here we are!!! Baby Weidner on the way.

I'm going to be a mama! Still getting used to the idea I have a baby growing inside me, and starting to get very excited and impatient! A year ago this time, I was going through some major life changes, but I would have NEVER seen this one coming.
So where did it start? His name is Roger Weidner. We call him Woody, an old nickname he's had since he was a baby, so it sticks! On my 25th birthday last September, we had a game night at my best friend Cassie's house, and Woody and some friends were invited. We have been friends for many years, since high school. He and my brother were nerd-game geeks together, but I never imagined we'd date, though I always thought he was adorable and has one of the best personalities of anyone I know... somehow that night on my birthday, we clicked for the first time. Fast forward a few weeks, and we were practically living together. I know, it was fast, but it has worked, and not in that new relationship, honeymoon way. In a way that has been mature and real; we are truly yin and yang. He reminds me of my brother and father, but on steroids. I guess it has worked in that Freudian way. If Sigmund we here, he'd say "Um, duh!" He is an ARMY vet who served two tours in Iraq from 2007 to 2011. He is now in the ARMY reserves, and also attending SCF for a degree in business, thanks to the good 'ol GI Bill. He has an older brother named Bobby, whom we live with in their Mom's house they rent in Palmetto while she is living in Missouri. They also have a sort-of roommate/couch surfer, Kyle, whom they have been friends with since childhood.
So on to the fun stuff. In December 2011, Cassie and I were on a walk around my parents neighborhood of Terra Ceia, and I felt a tickling sensation on my boob. I look down, and a damn brown recluse spider was crawling on me! What does this have to do with me being pregnant? Long story short, it bit me. I was put on antibiotics to help with the infection, and every woman knows those screw with birth control... throw in a few drunken nights at Old Main Pub in downtown Bradenton, some poor decision making in the bed during, um, tickle fights? and I had a baby cooking. How did I figure out I was pregnant? Next post!;)

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